18th Annual Snow Goose Festival

Field Trip: Beginning Birding by Ear

Field Trip: Beginning Birding by Ear - Sold Out!

$22 Adult; $10 Youth

Sunday, Jan 29, 2017 7:45 am - 11:00 am

Meet at Chico Masonic Family Center (Map)

Walking, could involve distance but largely flat Walking, could involve distance but largely flat


The skill of identifying birds by their vocalizations adds a wonderful new level of enjoyment to any outdoor outing. Join avid ear-birder Mauricio Schrader for a morning of listening to and learning some audio clues for identifying bird songs and calls in the field. Some listening and recording equipment used in Greg Weddig's Soundscapes workshop will be along on this trip. Participants may wish to take the Soundscapes of California Workshop on Saturday at 9am at the Chico Masonic Family Center that compliments this field trip.

Field Trip Leaders

Mauricio Schrader

Mauricio Schrader boomeranged back to birding in the last decade, and enjoys all aspects as an amateur. He was first introduced to birds by his 6th grade teacher in the Appalachian Mountains. He has a special interest in birding by ear and behavioral bird trivia. His favorite quote is: "Most of us who follow birds are partly scientist, partly sportsman, and partly poet." Leon Dawson, 1923

Mauricio Schrader's Events

Greg Weddig

Greg Weddig has been recording and documenting natural soundscapes since 2003. He is a member of the Nature Sounds Society, a founding member of the Maryland Nature Recordists, and has taught field recording and editing classes. Greg is currently a volunteer recordist for Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Greg Weddig's Events

Dan Dugan

Dan Dugan is best known as the inventor of the automatic microphone mixer. He has been a technical mentor for the Nature Sounds Society since 1990. Dugan has recorded surround sound in many national parks including Muir Woods, Joshua Tree, and Yosemite. He has published six “relaxation CD's” of nature sounds with naturemusicdownload.com and a full-length dawn chorus from Mariposa Grove in Yosemite with listeningearth.com.

Dan Dugan's Events

Sharon Perry

Sharon Perry has worked as an environmental educator. She is currently the chair of the Nature Sounds Society.

Sharon Perry's Events