$27 Adult; $10 Youth
Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 2:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Meet at Chico Masonic Family Center (Map)
Walking, could involve distance but largely flat
This is a "behind the gates" opportunity to visit the historic Rancho Llano Seco where thousands of acres are set aside for wildlife habitat and conservation. Habitats include riparian forests of the Sacramento River and Little Chico Creek, Valley oak woodlands and savannas, native and annual grasslands, vernal pool and freshwater marsh wetlands. These habitats attract wintering waterfowl and Sandhill Cranes, as well as a variety of raptors. We'll hear about the Rancho's rich natural and cultural histories, its wildlife habitats, and wildlife-friendly farming practices. A field trip will wind through a majestic Valley oak woodland, where we will stretch our legs before heading to the marsh to scout-out ducks, geese, Sandhill Cranes, and other wildlife. Participants will also meet with Joe Silveira, US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, who manages the wildlife habitat programs at Llano Seco.
Dress warmly, bring a warm beverage, and do bring your binoculars -- we may have a chance to see hundreds of wintering ducks, geese, and Sandhill Cranes! This tour leaves the ranch after dark. (Above photo courtesy of FareResources)
Dick Thieriot is a decendent of John & Abby Parrott who purchased Llano Seco Rancho in the 1860s. He is co-owner of Llano Seco Ranch, where he has implemented diverse riparian, freshwater wetland, ranching and farming conservation practices.
Richard Thieriot's Events