$30 Adult
Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Meet at Chico Masonic Family Center (Map)
A true adventure trip, lots of driving and hiking
Scott's Marathon Big Days are like birding on steroids! Fun, frenetic, high-energy, fast paced! All in an attempt to record as many species as can be seen within Glenn County in one day. We will visit the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge and venture up into the west-side chaparral and montane areas. If you've got what it takes, have a great sense of humor and adventure, and don't mind waiting too long between restroom stops, join this trip! Bring lunch, water, and binoculars. Carpooling is mandatory to keep the number of vehicles to a minimum.
Scott Huber has been leading birding trips for the last decade, from Mexico to the Arctic.
Scott Huber's Events