$22 Adult; $8 Youth
Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Meet at Chico Masonic Family Center (Map)
Walking, could involve distance but largely flat
This outing offers a unique up-close and personal glimpse into the world of bats. We will utilize mist nets to potentially capture some of the bat species that utilize the Chico area. We will also utilize acoustic equipment to record and identify bats using their call characteristics. Bring headlamps (preferred) or flashlights, chairs, warm clothes (including a stocking cap), cameras, and snacks/hot drinks. It should be noted that these animals do not read the text books so there will be no guarantee of any successful captures. Youth, age 9 to 17, are welcome. Bring waders if you have them, but they are not required. Rain or cold weather will cancel this event only.
Linda Angerer is a U.S. Forest Service wildlife Biologist and currently the Bat Coordinator for California's National Forests.
Linda Angerer's Events