18th Annual Snow Goose Festival

Field Trip: Up the Creek with a Pair of Binoculars

Field Trip: Up the Creek with a Pair of Binoculars - Sold Out!

$27 Adult; $10 Youth

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Meet at Chico Masonic Family Center (Map)

Walking, could involve distance but largely flat Walking, could involve distance but largely flat


The Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve (BCCER) is part of the larger Big Chico Creek watershed and home to a great diversity of plants and animals, including over 100 bird species. A historical ranch, the BCCER is now a place for education, research, and habitat enhancement. We will bird the oak woodland/chaparral of the upper canyon, then we'll head down to the riparian area along the creek. This is a special opportunity to be transported by vehicle through a steep and somewhat remote area with only walk-in access for the public. Bring lunch, water, and binoculars.

Field Trip Leaders

Jon Aull

Jon Aull received his master's degree studying parks and natural resources in the recreation department at Chico State. He is the education coordinator for the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve.

Jon Aull's Events

Charlie Cornell

Charles Cornell holds a degree in Geography. He has birded in Butte County since the 1970s, worked for the U. S. Forest Service, and volunteered in Outdoor & Environmental Education programs. Living near rice fields in Butte County, he enjoys stepping outside at night and hearing goose music and Great Horned Owls.

Charlie Cornell's Events