$35 Adult
Friday, Jan 27, 2017 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Meet at Chico Masonic Family Center (Map)
Walking, could involve distance but largely flat
Purple Line Urban Winery in downtown Oroville, a boutique winery that produces hand-crafted wines, will be your last stop on this amazing birding adventure that will first take you to see the swans, geese, and raptors along Cottonwood Road off Hwy 99. Then on to Oroville to hike the Feather River Trail to view the numerous diving ducks, herons, and egrets. Then we'll go to the Purple Line Urban Winery in downtown Oroville for some wine tasting and a special presentation by owner and winemaker, George Barber and his wife Kate. Bring binoculars, lunch, water, and wear layered clothing for winter weather.
Gaylord Grams is an avid local birder and leads many field trips for the Altacal Chapter of the Audubon Society.
Gaylord Grams's Events