18th Annual Snow Goose Festival

Field Trip: Marathon Big Day Birding in Tehama County

Field Trip: Marathon Big Day Birding in Tehama County

$30 Adult; $10 Youth

Sunday, Jan 29, 2017 7:00 am - 6:30 pm

Meet at Chico Masonic Family Center (Map)

A true adventure trip, lots of driving and hiking A true adventure trip, lots of driving and hiking


Get ready for a full day of birding in Tehama County. We will hit Black Butte Lake (to look for gulls, grebes, diving ducks, shorebirds), head into the foothills for chaparral species (Wrentit, California Thrasher), and hit Dog Island Park just north of Red Bluff for wintering passerines. We'll also bird Cone Grove Park, and the grasslands along Foothill and Lassen Roads for a chance at Ferruginous Hawks, Prairie Falcon, and maybe Mountain Bluebirds! If time allows, we'll try to head into the hills to get some montane species. Bring lunch, water, and binoculars and be prepared to eat in the vehicles while driving to locations. Carpooling is mandatory to keep the number of vehicles to a minimum. No early departures on this trip.

Field Trip Leaders

Mary Muchowski

Mary Muchowski has worked as a wildlife technician/biologist since 1988 with the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. She has lived in the Chico area since 1983, and really enjoys the bird-life of the area, especially in the winter!

Mary Muchowski's Events

Matt Forster

Matt Forster is an avid outdoorsman and birder whose love of the land has him interested in conservation of habitat and restoration. He studied waterfowl biology and wetland management as well as ornithology at CSUChico.

Matt Forster's Events